What's In a Roofline?
The humble gambrel roofs of Queens’ Dutch Colonial houses cover the borough’s complex history.
Why Hasn't Anyone Built on Newark's $1,000 Love Lots?
Ninety-eight couples bought vacant lots at Newark's Valentine's Day sale in 2015 — a year later, they're still empty.
Housing Beyond the Market: Transatlantic Precedents
Can limited profit be good business and create better housing?
Schools of Architecture
Bruce Barrett, the chief architect at New York City's School Construction Authority, explains how design processes and education policy feed into the creation and maintenance of inspiring spaces for learning.
Architecture vs. Housing: The Case of Sugar Hill
Susanne Schindler's in-depth analysis of Sugar Hill, an iconic new housing and cultural complex in Harlem, suggests new ways to broaden limited ideas about what architecture can contribute to housing for low-income residents.
Fighting for Tenant Rights on the Lower East Side
Soaring rent can often seem like a vague, mysterious force, like bad weather, for which no one in particular is responsible.
The City in the Classroom: Career and Technical Education in NYC Schools
John Surico reports on the rise of Career and Technical Education in New York City schools, chronicling how it aligns with urban policy priorities to diversify the economy and create jobs.
Lessons in Subway Archaeology
Henry Grabar joins subway historian Joseph Raskin on a tour of the G train, charting a history of proactive investment in infrastructure through the vestiges of uncompleted projects along its route.