People Movers

Road Warrior

In the Bronx, a parks steward and activist takes on the campaign of a lifetime.

People Movers

Eyes on the Streets

A neighborhood advocate marshals data and organizes neighbors to make congested Midtown streets safe for pedestrians.

Charge It, Please!

Where demand is high and private infrastructure is scarce, the city seeks to squeeze in streetside charging for electric cars.

Living Legend

To reimagine the Cross Bronx Expressway, and redress damage it has wrought for generations, we have to see the corridor clearly as it is today.

Transit Oriented

New construction along elevated train lines brings an unprecedented degree of intimacy between private homes and workplaces and passengers in a 24-hour transit system.

Painter of Modern Life

The past and the present, the factual and the virtual, the foreign and the personal, are all layered in a New York portrait painted from a D-train dérive.

Eclipsed on the Concourse

The removal of a public art installation by Maya Lin to make way for a better, brighter Penn Station portends a growing denial of the precarity of human passage through time and space.

Four and a Half Gasoline Stations

As redevelopment and electrification push them into the realm of history, unexpected social patterns still reveal themselves at the pumps.