Moving Meat

Factory-farmed food fills most plates and stocks most supermarkets in New York City. But upstate, a scrappy network fights to build an alternative infrastructure to deliver better steaks and sausages.

The Location of Justice: Systems

Where Corrections Meets Connections

People trying to stay connected to their loved ones in New York's jails and prisons must travel great distances and navigate intimidating rules and requirements.


Underexposed | 12

In the middle of a paved Midtown park, tunnel air whirs through 46 huge fans.

People Movers

Unruly Passengers

The Riders Alliance floods the city’s subway stations and bus stops, organizing normally disengaged riders to fight for better public transit.


Underexposed | 3

For Underexposed, photographer Stanley Greenberg's monthly dispatches trace the myriad paths of the city’s infrastructural networks in great breadth and close detail.

Obstruction for Justice

How can protestors get their points across to an unyielding city? Gumming up the works may trump gathering in the square.

People Movers

Women in Motion

In a new series, People Movers, community organizers share how they shape the city from the ground up. First, Verónica Ramírez of the Queens-based Mujeres en Movimiento mobilizes immigrant moms to fight for safer streets.

City of Cycling: Empathy


In the final installment of City of Cycling, SLO Architecture queries the bike’s ability to create an urbanism of empathy. Can taking to the streets on two wheels inspire greater understanding among everyone who moves through the city?

City of Cycling: Empathy

Escape and Microcosm

SLO talks to Matthew Faber about the Central Park Arch Project and how the historic visions of Olmsted and Vaux could help cope with the many modes of transportation that jockey for space in New York’s most famous, and most crowded, park.

City of Cycling: Empathy

Out and About in the Bronx

SLO chats with the riders of the Tour de Bronx about their reasons for biking the borough, and photographer Dugan Lunday captures the unique flourishes in their diverse cycling styles.