
Cleaning Up?

Remediation as Ongoing Process of Recovery and Repair: Bronx River House

Cleaning Up?

Remediation as Reparative Justice: Renewable Rikers

Behind the Mask

Two scholars navigate the myths and abstractions attached to marginalized urban neighborhoods, bridging the distance between narratives imposed from outside and residents' experiences and spatial practices.

You’re Not Going to Tell Me When to Go Home

What happened on the ground during the summer protests in NYC? Participants describe a temporary landscape of kinship and resistance — and a template for another city.

To Stop Displacement, Disclose the Data!

For more than half a century, real estate data has played a crucial role in struggles against housing discrimination and dispossession. But what information is needed now in the face of changing forms of speculation?

Co-Op City

Rather than extractive economic development, the Bronx Cooperative Development Initiative cultivates a vision of home-grown wealth that stays in the borough.


Underexposed | 9

In Mott Haven, a building's true purpose hides behind facsimile stoops and windows.

The Location of Justice: Streets

Yes Sitting, Yes Skating, Yes Music

Where can teenagers hang out and be safe in public?

The Location of Justice: Structures

Siting Rikers' Replacements

The city's plans call for new borough jails to replace those at Rikers. A set of drawings examines land uses in the boroughs' civic centers to consider: Can New Yorkers accept jails as neighbors?

Housing Brass Tacks

Community Land Trusts

These days, “CLT” is a watchword for affordable housing and anti-displacement activists nationwide, including the residents and organizers behind a South Bronx initiative that’s building steam.