Signs of the Times
From small and ubiquitous markers to massive bespoke steel numerals, this longstanding Greenpoint signage company helps New Yorkers navigate the city.
Ted Nabavi Turns Hazards to Riches
The chemist who monitors gas and liquids produced by the world's largest landfill touts the benefits of harvesting environmental hazards and the monitoring system with aviation roots that gives him eyes across thousands of acres.
Joe Steele's Eyes in the Sky
Bridge paint does far more than give the Williamsburg and Hell Gate Bridges their iconic pink and crimson hues; specialist painter Joe Steele protects structures from the elements and help ensure their safety.
Michael Saunders Turns Old Tech New
At the Lower East Side Ecology Center’s E-Waste Warehouse, Michael Saunders handles 23 tons of e-waste per month, recovering sometimes hazardous yet very valuable materials.
Jason Coatney Paints Big
In the inaugural installment of Citymakers, a new series on the sometimes-overlooked individuals who create and run the city, outdoor ad painter Jason Coatney details the drama and nitty-gritty of his craft.