Against the Smart City
Adam Greenfield critiques the prevailing definition of the "smart city" and calls for an alternative vision that understands and responds to the messy realities of human existence.
Local Connections: The Red Hook WiFi Project
Tony Schloss and Alyx Baldwin discuss how their initiative leverages locally controlled infrastructure, community-based applications, and youth capacity building to provide a platform for local communication and Internet access in Red Hook, Brooklyn.
The City That Never Shouts
Announcing the winner of our Fuzzy Math writing competition: Steven Higashide imagines a near future in New York, in which a new City agency — the Department of Externalities — monitors and evaluates the social and environmental effects of everyday actions.
Eco-Visualization: Aesthetics for Sustainability
Juliet Helmke traces the origins and prospects of a genre of art that aims to educate and more effectively influence consumer behavior through the reinterpretation of ecological data.
Multitasking Infrastructures: A Conversation with Sheila Kennedy and Veit Kugel
Sheila Kennedy and Veit Kugel discuss integrating natural systems, material innovation, and digital technology in projects that reflect a singular and synergistic approach to architecture, infrastructure, and civic space.
Field Trip: Genspace Community Biolab
A DIY space with an educational mission: biotechnology for students and adults.
Pulses of Light Beneath the Streets
A book about the Internet's physical infrastructure inspires a closer look at how fiber optic cables are woven — literally — into the city's fabric.
A Field Guide to AC Units
A fresh and cheerful journey through an under-explored but ubiquitous aspect of our urban environment: the window air conditioning unit.
Two of the co-founders of an innovative “video map” of New York discuss personal expression, urban exploration and the civic possibilities of video.
City of Systems: Waste Removal
In our final video on complex urban systems, writer Elizabeth Royte offers a snapshot of the past, present and future of what happens to New Yorkers' trash once it leaves the curb.