The Oyster Restoration Research Project

A broad partnership dedicated to restoring oysters to New York Harbor is using science, policy and community engagement to improve the health of our waterways and stabilize our shorelines.

A Country of Cities

The Ultimate Country of Cities

In the final installment of a Country of Cities, Vishaan pens a love letter to Japan, a country that has shaped his beliefs in the importance of dense urban living.

Five Borough Farm

Nevin Cohen shares the process of developing a citywide plan for urban agriculture and talks about its promise as both social justice movement and model for community development.

The Staten Island Bluebelt: Storm Sewers, Wetlands, Waterways

Dana Gumb explains how the City has engineered Staten Island's wetlands and waterways to enhance their natural ability to convey, store and filter stormwater.

From Brownfields to Greenfields: A Field Guide to Phytoremediation

Urban designer Kaja Kühl illustrates how to use plants to clean up contaminated sites, a cost-effective way to add productive, healthy land to the City’s environment.


Janette Kim and Erik Carver discuss Underdome, an ambitious attempt to classify contending energy agendas and to examine their implications for public life.

A Country of Cities

Sinking ARC

We all of course know the story of Noah’s Ark -- of massive floods sent by a disgusted God to wipe out our corrupted civilization except for Noah, who, with his family, builds an Ark to save pairs of animals to eventually repopulate the planet. The contemporary take on the story has some new twists.

Canal Nest Colony

FASLANYC chronicles the progression, from design experiment to multi-disciplinary operation, of a small group effort to celebrate and activate the ecology of the Gowanus Canal.

A Country of Cities

Spill, Baby, Spill

As oil spills into the Gulf, blood spills in the streets of Greece, and cash spills from terrorist wallets into the hands of willing airline agents, one wonders who can clean up this mess. We tell our children to clean up after themselves, but can we? Disciplining a child is a perilous affair, but in the end self-discipline is the challenge. Self-discipline requires introspection, but how much of it can we muster in a world careening towards 9 billion people?

Minds in the Gutter

What if sewers no longer overflowed when it rained? Kate Zidar talks about designing for stormwater management and why it is crucial to our health, our waterways and our city.