Beyond Flyover Urbanism: Learning from São Paulo

Thaddeus Pawlowski reflects on his participation in a recent professional urban design exchange between São Paulo and New York.

Studio Reports

Bronx Lower Concourse Housing

Bronwyn Breitner and James Slade describe how their students reconsidered one of our most familiar architectural spaces, the residence, in the context of the Bronx's Lower Concourse.

Tektonomastics: The Building Names Project

Mapping all of New York's named residential buildings. Meet you at the Monbijou!

Studio Reports

Reimagining Towers-in-the-Park

Roy Strickland describes a student project that combines infill development, real estate financing and urban design to re-envision the housing projects of the Lower East Side.

An Urbanist You Should Know: Esther Robinson

Esther Robinson’s approach to supporting the arts through asset-building is something everyone interested in cities and neighborhoods should know about.

Efficiency and Effectiveness: Inside the Regional Assembly

Samir Shah recaps “Innovation and the American Metropolis” and calls for a broad and values-based vision to guide design and planning's use of technology.


Interboro Partners shares a selection of their work on “Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities,” challenging us to design and advocate for generational diversity.

Bringing Basements to Code

Seema Agnani’s work with South Asian immigrants on housing needs charts a course for legalizing basement apartments to create affordable housing.

A Walk Up Avenue D

Sociologist Dalton Conley takes us on a walk through the public housing complexes where he grew up, reflecting on the economics of housing policy and the limits of design.


The Chicago Housing Authority has slowly been tearing down its Cabrini-Green public housing project, and as of yesterday another one of the buildings is gone.