Efficiency and Effectiveness: Inside the Regional Assembly
Samir Shah recaps “Innovation and the American Metropolis” and calls for a broad and values-based vision to guide design and planning's use of technology.
Interboro Partners shares a selection of their work on “Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities,” challenging us to design and advocate for generational diversity.
Bringing Basements to Code
Seema Agnani’s work with South Asian immigrants on housing needs charts a course for legalizing basement apartments to create affordable housing.
A Walk Up Avenue D
Sociologist Dalton Conley takes us on a walk through the public housing complexes where he grew up, reflecting on the economics of housing policy and the limits of design.
The Chicago Housing Authority has slowly been tearing down its Cabrini-Green public housing project, and as of yesterday another one of the buildings is gone.
Private/Public: Rethinking Design for the Homeless
Deborah Grossberg Katz and Terri Chiao explore how small-scale design can address broader social issues through their research on the systemic cycle of homelessness in the city.
One Size Fits Some
This symposium is part of the Citizens Housing & Planning Council’s broad-based investigation of housing and space standards in New York City. Read, watch, listen and respond.
The Brooklyn Typology Project
Artist and urban planner Neil Freeman reflects on ways web-based art practice, urban planning data and tireless neighborhood exploration can inform each other, using his own work as a case study.
Making Policy Public: Predatory Equity
Glen Cummings shares the process of creating the Predatory Equity Survival Guide.