Profiles of Spontaneous Urban Plants

Landscape designer David Seiter champions the ecological and aesthetic benefits of informal plants - weeds - in urban space, and catalogues the uses and cultural significance of New York's native flora.

Gowanus Lowline: Connections

David Briggs and Anthony Deen share the winning designs from the first of a series of competitions that address the challenges of developing contaminated urban areas.

A Country of Cities

The Ultimate Country of Cities

In the final installment of a Country of Cities, Vishaan pens a love letter to Japan, a country that has shaped his beliefs in the importance of dense urban living.

A Country of Cities

Liberation Squares

In the ninth installment of A Country of Cities, Vishaan examines the protests unfolding across the Middle East in terms of how urban space can enhance or prohibit social change.

Geologic City

Elizabeth Ellsworth and Jamie Kruse take us on a field trip through the geoarchitecture of New York City and explain the impact of deep geologic time on our built environment.

The Staten Island Bluebelt: Storm Sewers, Wetlands, Waterways

Dana Gumb explains how the City has engineered Staten Island's wetlands and waterways to enhance their natural ability to convey, store and filter stormwater.

Mall-terations on Allen Street

On Allen Street, "mall-terations” attest to the way an art intervention can foster a sense of transformative possibility and community involvement in the design and programming of public space.

Park as Process: Brooklyn Bridge Park

Michael Van Valkenburgh reflects on the design process and the long-term evolution of Brooklyn Bridge Park.

Skating Pier 62 and Corona Park

A designer and skater tests two new skate parks.

Governors Island: Creating Destination Recreation

How do you involve people in a community engagement process when there is no defined community? Leslie Koch, president of GIPEC, tells us how she did it on Governors Island.