Where Can the Public Bathrooms Go in New York City?
Creating 3,000 more places to go can be transformative for people's dignity and the quality of the public realm. But actually implementing a citywide restroom network requires solutions that address each neighborhood's specific needs.
Getting Into It
For artists and audiences with disabilities, traditional theater spaces can present significant barriers. A new production by Ryan Haddad seeks to build access into the show’s design.
Where Are the Public Bathrooms in New York City?
With too few facilities, and many in urgent need of repair or renovation, New York has a big public bathroom problem. But the city's parks, plazas, POPS, and more hold clues to overhauling its network of relief.
Cataloging Comfort
A recently uncovered album reveals some of New York City parks' least exposed precincts — their public bathrooms.
Off the Beaten Path
For WXY and New York State Parks, designing comfort stations to accommodate more than 60 million annual visitors — representing many different genders, backgrounds, and accessibility needs — is no simple task.
Noncompliant Bodies, Accommodating Space
The architects behind “Stalled!” see gender as one of many variables and identities to consider in designing inclusive environments.
Minds in the Gutter
What if sewers no longer overflowed when it rained? Kate Zidar talks about designing for stormwater management and why it is crucial to our health, our waterways and our city.