Signs of Things to Come
Despite two centuries of discrimination, New York's psychics continue to make space for contacting spirits, telling fortunes, and making a future for themselves.
Withdrawn Waters
The balance between New York City's public and private pools has shifted dramatically in recent decades. Why has so much city swimming retreated into towers or behind fences?
Caught in the Spotlight
Networked technologies are setting the stage for new forms of urban surveillance. From Amazon’s Ring doorbell to the Detroit Police Department’s Project Green Light, what kinds of performances do digital tracking tools encourage people to put on?
For a Level Field
For an equal shot at competitive sports in New York City public high schools, students and teachers fight to untangle the knot of race and space.
Our Fair City
50 years after the passage of a landmark law, how will New York City assess the fairness of its housing?
Where School Meets Prison
As police personnel and machinery have settled into New York City schools, the line between school discipline and criminal punishment has become blurry.
See and Be Seen
When safe space is hard to find, art and events collective Papi Juice gives queer and trans people of color a home — and a soundtrack — for the night.
Queer, New Urban Agendas
In London, as in New York, forces of development and displacement threaten nightlife spaces of significance for the LGBTQ+ community. How can municipal governments help?
Walk the Walk
For decades, city governments have pledged to clear neighborhood streets of crime and police abuse in the same stroke. But can community policing deliver on its promises?
House Proud
As a generation of queer pioneers reaches old age, new models of housing and community space leverage design to meet their needs.