
Long Island is Bugging Me

A disquisition into the urban/suburban and human/insect divides, and how people might come together when their surroundings are planned to keep them apart.

In Absentia

Where street trees have gone missing, sculptural assemblages punctuate the pavement.

What's Growing?

Urban agriculture today extends from small community gardens to commercial hydroponics. New York City seeks to cultivate its many benefits.

A New Harvest

Herbs and berries are free for the picking along the Bronx River Foodway. But the public place for foraging is also a pathway to stronger connections with local ecologies and community self-determination.

Landscape Orientation

An artist makes her books by walking. Their pages unfold in ways as unusual and idiosyncratic as the city itself.

Cleaning Up?

Remediation as Grassroots Biorepair: Smiling Hogshead Ranch



People love a place with “good light.”

Cleaning Up?

Remediation as Neighborhood and Ecological Regeneration: Shirley Chisholm State Park

Cleaning Up?

Remediation as Redistribution: Hudson River Superfund Site

Maintaining Decomposure

Grassroots groups have kept organic waste collection alive in neighborhoods across New York City during a most difficult year. For community composters, the stakes of an equitable waste system stretch far beyond the pile.