Federal Government

The Location of Justice: Systems

Where School Meets Prison

As police personnel and machinery have settled into New York City schools, the line between school discipline and criminal punishment has become blurry.

The Location of Justice: Streets

Walk the Walk

For decades, city governments have pledged to clear neighborhood streets of crime and police abuse in the same stroke. But can community policing deliver on its promises?

The Location of Justice: Streets

Do You Feel Secure?

For decades, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design has touted the efficacy of bollards, gates, and cameras in deterring violent acts — with scant evidence. At what cost do we build “defensible space”?

The Location of Justice: Structures

Due Process and the Enclosure of Justice

What is gained, and what is lost, when justice takes place outside public view?

The Location of Justice: Futures

Map: The Location of Justice

How can we define the “criminal justice system”? What is it, where is it, and what are all of the things that it does?

Housing Brass Tacks

Fair Housing for All?

Fred Freiberg, executive director of the Fair Housing Justice Center, explained the ins and outs of proving and pursuing housing discrimination.

Housing Brass Tacks

Discrimination, Documented

Excerpts from three documentary films, screened at the first Housing Brass Tacks film night, tackle how inequality is inscribed in the housing landscape.

Housing Brass Tacks

What HUD Does

Holly Leicht, former Regional Administrator for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, got down to the nuts and bolts of what HUD does. Here's a little of what we learned.

Making Sense of Model Cities

Historians of and planners from the era of Model Cities give their take on the lessons and legacies of this often-overlooked program.

Model Cities Redux

As the city makes moves to improve housing in Mott Haven, Susanne Schindler finds that current approaches bear a strong resemblance to long-forgotten efforts there.