
Watch This Space

Over two decades of twists and turns and promises unmet, one journalist has been keeping a close eye on the saga of Atlantic Yards.

Accounting for Community

What kind of bank can help secure New York neighborhoods' future? The same small banks that have been doing it all along.

Care, Where?

Public space may be essential to urban life, but its benefits are far from universally enjoyed. Could a municipal Department of Care bring context-sensitive design and services to every corner of the city?

To Stop Displacement, Disclose the Data!

For more than half a century, real estate data has played a crucial role in struggles against housing discrimination and dispossession. But what information is needed now in the face of changing forms of speculation?

Co-Op City

Rather than extractive economic development, the Bronx Cooperative Development Initiative cultivates a vision of home-grown wealth that stays in the borough.

People Movers

Building Consensus

Buildings are responsible for two thirds of greenhouse gas emissions in New York City. Can tenants, landlords, and environmentalists finally get together to make them more efficient?

Country of Tenants

Questions of ownership, affordability, and political representation converge in current struggles over rent regulation.

Housing Brass Tacks

What Can Architects Do?

In the thorny thicket of housing problems, from cost to supply to quality, what roles can architects play? Architects Susanne Schindler, Jared Della Valle, and Deborah Gans offer possibilities.

Housing Brass Tacks

Community Land Trusts

These days, “CLT” is a watchword for affordable housing and anti-displacement activists nationwide, including the residents and organizers behind a South Bronx initiative that’s building steam.

Housing Brass Tacks

Property Taxes

Confusing, reviled, unfair, arcane — and important. Explore the labyrinthine system of property taxes.