Future Bronx(es)
In the latest installment of their Crisis Fronts degree project, Michael Chen and Jason Lee ask students to use the specific urban challenges of the Bronx to investigate the intersection between public policy and speculative design.
A Diagram of Occupy Sandy
Adam Greenfield maps the flows and processes of an Occupy Sandy relief hub to demonstrate the potential of a permanent mutual-aid infrastructure for New York.
Pulses of Light Beneath the Streets
A book about the Internet's physical infrastructure inspires a closer look at how fiber optic cables are woven — literally — into the city's fabric.
Supply Chain Spotlight: Freight Rail
Joshua Nelson explains how freight rail works in New York, reflecting on rail's environmental and economic advantages as well as its role in getting potatoes to your local market.
From Trucks to Tugs: Short Sea Shipping
Carter Craft and Christina Sun explain how the use of short-distance, waterborne freight transport can improve the health, efficiency and landscape of New York City.
What is Service Design?
Our economy consists of both goods and services. Traditionally, design has focused on one, not the other. Laura Forlano talks to leading practitioners in this emerging field.
Efficiency and Effectiveness: Inside the Regional Assembly
Samir Shah recaps “Innovation and the American Metropolis” and calls for a broad and values-based vision to guide design and planning's use of technology.
Food and the Shape of Cities
Sarah Rich and Nicola Twilley discuss the impact of food systems on the physical city in advance of Foodprint NYC, an event at Studio-X.