
New City Critics

Feral Monument

Beloved for their innocence and feared as vectors of disease, pigeons are a divisive and constant presence in New York City. A monumental statue atop the High Line urges us to consider how our feral friends (or foes) are in fact just like us.

21st Century Monument

Where a controversial sculpture stood, a monument to Harriet Tubman offers a new narrative and new directions for creating sites of collective memory.

Memory Loss

Roots of Memory

Less conspicuous and permanent than statues or sculptures, New York City’s memorial trees register histories that are personal, passed over, or in progress, from intimate loss to climate catastrophe.

Memory Loss

A Monumental Shift

A group of artists and creative technologists is wielding augmented reality to insert heroic women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ icons into an uneven landscape of public memory.

Memory Loss

Introducing Memory Loss

Our new mini-series highlights a geography of memory across the city, focusing on the everyday memorial.

Home in Lenapehoking

For the Lenape Center, reversing the erasure of New York's indigenous past is about making space for future generations. How can the city welcome back its original peoples and their living culture?

Thomas Hirschhorn's Precious and Precarious Bronx

Writer Steven Thomson and photographer Cameron Blaylock respond to Thomas Hirschhorn's Gramsci Monument, a conceptual sculpture commemorating an Italian philosopher installed at a NYCHA complex in the Bronx.

Reconstructing Lady Liberty

In honor of the re-opening of the Statue of Liberty after eight months of repairs following Superstorm Sandy, Peter Lehrer, who managed the ambitious reconstruction of the iconic monument between 1984 and 1986, describes in detail this complex feat of historic preservation.