
Missing the Market

The idea that a 45-year-old market that brings in about 60 percent of the city’s fruits and vegetables could simply vacate isn’t as preposterous as it sounds.

What is Service Design?

Our economy consists of both goods and services. Traditionally, design has focused on one, not the other. Laura Forlano talks to leading practitioners in this emerging field.

Fast Trash!

Juliette Spertus discusses her exhibit - which combines infrastructure, New York history and alternative urban futures - about Roosevelt Island's trash collection system.

A Country of Cities

Spill, Baby, Spill

As oil spills into the Gulf, blood spills in the streets of Greece, and cash spills from terrorist wallets into the hands of willing airline agents, one wonders who can clean up this mess. We tell our children to clean up after themselves, but can we? Disciplining a child is a perilous affair, but in the end self-discipline is the challenge. Self-discipline requires introspection, but how much of it can we muster in a world careening towards 9 billion people?

Minds in the Gutter

What if sewers no longer overflowed when it rained? Kate Zidar talks about designing for stormwater management and why it is crucial to our health, our waterways and our city.

Food and the Shape of Cities

Sarah Rich and Nicola Twilley discuss the impact of food systems on the physical city in advance of Foodprint NYC, an event at Studio-X.

Places Journal premieres Bodega Down Bronx

Letting Off Some Steam

Jeff Maki explains Manhattan's District Steam Service as a case study in how citizens can engage in the maintenance of infrastructure.

East River Power

An illustrated slide show about tidal in-stream energy conversion and what New Yorkers need to know about its potential to redraw the map of power generation in the city.