
Country of Tenants

Questions of ownership, affordability, and political representation converge in current struggles over rent regulation.

Shelf Life

Do You Remember How It Was?

Residents recall a decade of upheaval in the East New York Oral History Project.

Housing Brass Tacks

Limited-Equity Co-Ops

If owning a home means security, stability, and the American Dream, those remain out of reach for most apartment-dwelling New Yorkers. But can limited-equity co-ops provide another way?

Fighting for Tenant Rights on the Lower East Side

Soaring rent can often seem like a vague, mysterious force, like bad weather, for which no one in particular is responsible.

Self-Help Housing: The Story of the Urban Homesteading Assistance Board

Andy Reicher shares the history of UHAB, chronicling its evolution through 40 years of helping renters become owners.

chashama: Space to Create

Anita Durst and Kim Schnaubert talk about how we can support artists and improve the economic and cultural vitality of our cities by repurposing under-utilized and empty spaces.

Portfolio: The Quiet City

On Sunday afternoons, when most industrial businesses are closed, IBZs have a surreal and at times eerie quietness that is rare in New York City.