Community Engagement
BMW Guggenheim Lab: Confronting Comfort | Maria Nicanor
"We asked for a space in which we could do everything and anything."
BMW Guggenheim Lab: Confronting Comfort | Omar Freilla
"Most of us live in our own little bubbles. We know the world that we walk in every single day."
The Oyster Restoration Research Project
A broad partnership dedicated to restoring oysters to New York Harbor is using science, policy and community engagement to improve the health of our waterways and stabilize our shorelines.
A living city is always in Beta. Let’s Play. Carl Skelton discusses how an open source, multi-player environment for cities can expand the participatory toolset of engaged urban citizens.
Give a Minute
Carol Coletta and Jake Barton discuss an interactive project that seeks to reinvent public participation in America for the 21st century.
Mall-terations on Allen Street
On Allen Street, "mall-terations” attest to the way an art intervention can foster a sense of transformative possibility and community involvement in the design and programming of public space.
Code for America
Jennifer Pahlka, founder of a non-profit that links city governments and web 2.0 talent, envisions a future in which city governments act more like the citizens they serve.
Frameworks for Citizen Responsiveness: Towards a Read/Write Urbanism
Adam Greenfield ponders the ways citizens call out trouble spots in the urban landscape and asks how we might redesign the performance of that landscape itself.
Governors Island: Creating Destination Recreation
How do you involve people in a community engagement process when there is no defined community? Leslie Koch, president of GIPEC, tells us how she did it on Governors Island.
The Need for Collaboration: Design Professionals are a Few Amongst Many
Rather than from consensual understanding, our manner of reaching agreements has evolved from the pressure of the law.