Vertical Urban Factory
Architectural historian Nina Rappaport analyzes the evolution of factory design and calls for the reintegration of urban industry into the fabric of our cities.
Naturally Occurring Cultural Districts
Tamara Greenfield and Caron Atlas share thoughts on how understanding NOCDs can help inform a more holistic approach to cultural policy.
Mall-terations on Allen Street
On Allen Street, "mall-terations” attest to the way an art intervention can foster a sense of transformative possibility and community involvement in the design and programming of public space.
Tektonomastics: The Building Names Project
Mapping all of New York's named residential buildings. Meet you at the Monbijou!
The Candela Structures: Architecture as Storytelling
Kirsten Hively visits the Candela Structures, relics of the 1964/5 World’s Fair, and encourages us to investigate the stories behind our city’s forgotten structures and spaces.
Fast Trash!
Juliette Spertus discusses her exhibit - which combines infrastructure, New York history and alternative urban futures - about Roosevelt Island's trash collection system.
The Chicago Housing Authority has slowly been tearing down its Cabrini-Green public housing project, and as of yesterday another one of the buildings is gone.
Museum of the Phantom City
Irene Cheng and Brett Snyder share the inspiration behind their iPhone app and pose questions sparked by their research. Read their story and then go tour the unbuilt city.
Why Grand Central Works
Vishaan Chakrabarti walks through one of the city's favorite spaces. His reflections range from design details to regional economics to the relationship between infrastructure and density.
Ulrich Franzen’s Street
Ulrich Franzen's 1969 film articulates a bold vision to reclaim Manhattan’s congested streets. 40 years later, we're still talking about the same thing.