Public Art
New City Reader
Kazys Varnelis discusses the temporary "newspaper of public space" he created with Joseph Grima for the New Museum exhibition "The Last Newspaper."
Naturally Occurring Cultural Districts
Tamara Greenfield and Caron Atlas share thoughts on how understanding NOCDs can help inform a more holistic approach to cultural policy.
Tektonomastics: The Building Names Project
Mapping all of New York's named residential buildings. Meet you at the Monbijou!
Swoon: The City Created, Built, Broken and Rebuilt
In our fourth of a series of artist interviews, Swoon discusses how the urban environment informs her work, from Brooklyn streets to Venetian canals to post-earthquake Haiti.
George Trakas at the Water’s Edge: Newtown Creek
Artist and longtime creek explorer George Trakas shows us around the Nature Walk he designed at Newtown Creek.