Public Space
Public Space Arms Race
Battles for inclusion and exclusion in the life of the city more often end in stand-offs than in skirmishes.
Design Around the Edges
In the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice, an architect and planner forges connections and fashions safety in fifteen neighborhoods.
Off the Beaten Path
For WXY and New York State Parks, designing comfort stations to accommodate more than 60 million annual visitors — representing many different genders, backgrounds, and accessibility needs — is no simple task.
Stronger Together
Young residents of Brownsville, Brooklyn, look for safety amidst persistent poverty and crime, as well as community organizations determined to change the neighborhood's narrative.
Do You Feel Secure?
For decades, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design has touted the efficacy of bollards, gates, and cameras in deterring violent acts — with scant evidence. At what cost do we build “defensible space”?
Yes Sitting, Yes Skating, Yes Music
Where can teenagers hang out and be safe in public?
Little Black Boxes
For the Circulation Desk, five books explore the stuff that binds us together in infrastructure networks public and private, old and new.
Obstruction for Justice
How can protestors get their points across to an unyielding city? Gumming up the works may trump gathering in the square.
Front of House
Vincent Meyer Madaus and Sebastian Bernardy look at the semi-public space between the sidewalk and the front door — and how residents satisfy their needs and fancies when space is scarce.
Design and Advocacy in the South Bronx
Nandini Bagchee shares her students' work to forge an equal exchange with activists fighting for community space in the South Bronx, in a studio where designers became advocates and advocates became designers.