Public Transit

Questioning the Car: A Walk with Mark Gorton

Transportation and livable streets advocate Mark Gorton explains why the car is a flawed technology for cities and shares his vision for a mostly auto-free New York.

Fast-Tracked: Who Decides Where the Subway Goes?

Alexandra Woolsey Puffer and Jeff Maki share the results of a high school student team’s investigation into transit planning and the westward expansion of the 7 line.

LaHood and Porcari: Transportation Financing and Infrastructure Innovation

Beyond Flyover Urbanism: Learning from São Paulo

Thaddeus Pawlowski reflects on his participation in a recent professional urban design exchange between São Paulo and New York.

Designing the New York City Subway Map

Last night, the Museum of the City of New York brought together a panel of New York City subway map dignitaries for "The New York City Subway Map – Form v. Function in the Public Realm:" designer Massimo Vignelli, designer John Tauranac, author and typographer Paul Shaw, and KickMap creator Eddie Jabbour, in a discussion moderated by Steven Miller.

A Country of Cities

Sinking ARC

We all of course know the story of Noah’s Ark -- of massive floods sent by a disgusted God to wipe out our corrupted civilization except for Noah, who, with his family, builds an Ark to save pairs of animals to eventually repopulate the planet. The contemporary take on the story has some new twists.

A Country of Cities

Never in this Country

Xenophobia. Unfunded entitlements. Anti-immigrant zeal. More retirees than workers. Crumbling infrastructure. Failing schools. Threats to burn books. Taken together, our national ailments have shaken my belief in a Country of Cities. I have argued on these pages that density and infrastructure, and the diverse ecology they engender, can lead us out of this recession to a greener, leaner nation...

Off the Road and Into the Skies

As cities demand more efficient transit systems, Steven Dale argues for thinking off the road and outside the subway, and thinks that Cable-Propelled Transit could be our answer.