
Everybody Should Be Honored

A rare combination of collective art project, community celebration, and environmental protest, the Hunts Point Fish Parade honors residents of the Bronx neighborhood and mobilizes them in the fight for its future.

Shelf Life

Design and Deploy

To temporarily transform public space, Street Lab's lending library of outdoor furniture is designed to stand up to regular travel, extreme heat, and children's imaginations.

Stay in Your Lane

More than just red paint and white text, political maneuvers and enforcement strategies are key elements in the design of the city’s bus lanes.

People Movers

Eyes on the Streets

A neighborhood advocate marshals data and organizes neighbors to make congested Midtown streets safe for pedestrians.

Charge It, Please!

Where demand is high and private infrastructure is scarce, the city seeks to squeeze in streetside charging for electric cars.

In Absentia

Where street trees have gone missing, sculptural assemblages punctuate the pavement.

Where Can the Public Bathrooms Go in New York City?

Creating 3,000 more places to go can be transformative for people's dignity and the quality of the public realm. But actually implementing a citywide restroom network requires solutions that address each neighborhood's specific needs.

Painter of Modern Life

The past and the present, the factual and the virtual, the foreign and the personal, are all layered in a New York portrait painted from a D-train dérive.

Four and a Half Gasoline Stations

As redevelopment and electrification push them into the realm of history, unexpected social patterns still reveal themselves at the pumps.

Mobilizing Support

A harm reduction collective works to meet people who use drugs "where they're at," not just metaphorically, but geographically.