The Struggle is Real Estate

In Berlin’s city center, an activist-led redevelopment scheme is setting a bold example for rescuing financially valuable public land from privatization and gentrification.

Co-Op City

Rather than extractive economic development, the Bronx Cooperative Development Initiative cultivates a vision of home-grown wealth that stays in the borough.

Obstruction for Justice

How can protestors get their points across to an unyielding city? Gumming up the works may trump gathering in the square.

"The scythe of progress must move northward”: Urban Renewal on the Upper West Side

Oksana Mironova documents varied approaches to City-led redevelopment in Lincoln Square and the West Side Urban Renewal Area and calls for an evolution of contemporary rezonings to prioritize the preservation of existing communities.

SeaChange Down the Hudson

Under Annihilation’s Sign: Public Memory and Prospect Park’s Battle Pass

On the 238th anniversary of the Battle of Brooklyn, Ben Nadler and Oksana Mironova delve into the ways its history is embedded in Prospect Park and explore different notions of how we memorialize tragedy.

The Value of Land: How Community Land Trusts Maintain Housing Affordability

Oksana Mironova charts an alternative strategy to land ownership and property management that helps communities solve a broad range of problems — including widening inequality and decreasing community control over housing costs — that affect residents across the country.

West of Nathan's: Planning Coney Island's Residential Community

Housing advocate Oksana Mironova investigates the planning policies and housing developments that have shaped the often-overlooked residential side of Coney Island and calls for investment in a neighborhood facing challenges of poverty, climate change, and affordability loss.