City Government

The Paradox at the Heart of the Fires

When it comes to providing safe and affordable housing, why does the public sector receive so little funding and so much scrutiny, while the private sector gets ample incentives with minimal accountability?

Across Currents

With a mandate to decarbonize the city’s building stock, how can New Yorkers reconcile a transition to so-called clean energy with the environmental and cultural impacts of extraction beyond the city’s borders?

Market Share

Designed for other uses and users, Corona Plaza has become a critical infrastructure for streetside selling. In the face of economic and legal pressures, vendors are organizing themselves and the space to ensure both individual survival and collective prosperity.

Care, Where?

Public space may be essential to urban life, but its benefits are far from universally enjoyed. Could a municipal Department of Care bring context-sensitive design and services to every corner of the city?

Burial Rights

Organizers in Flatbush are fighting for the preservation of an African burial ground — to honor the dead, and protect a living community's future.

When Government Came to Main Street

The Bronx County Building embodies the New Deal era's ideals of robust government presence in everyday life, for better and worse.

Cleaning Up?

Remediation as Business as Usual: A Mid-Rise Residential Building in the South Bronx

Cleaning Up?

Remediation as Reparative Justice: Renewable Rikers

What About Jane?

As cities, and the way we understand them, have changed, so has the reputation of a preeminent urban thinker. If gentrification and structural racism are the problems, does Jane Jacobs still have the answers?


Making Science Actionable

The Urban Systems Lab talks about overlapping social vulnerabilities to climate change and COVID-19, and their efforts to gather and share the data that matters most in a complex and ever-shifting situation.