
Long Island is Bugging Me

A disquisition into the urban/suburban and human/insect divides, and how people might come together when their surroundings are planned to keep them apart.

Stay in Your Lane

More than just red paint and white text, political maneuvers and enforcement strategies are key elements in the design of the city’s bus lanes.

People Movers

Eyes on the Streets

A neighborhood advocate marshals data and organizes neighbors to make congested Midtown streets safe for pedestrians.

A Bigger Picture

Piecing together land use laws from coast to coast, the National Zoning Atlas illustrates the need for reform.

Transit Oriented

New construction along elevated train lines brings an unprecedented degree of intimacy between private homes and workplaces and passengers in a 24-hour transit system.

Story of a Street

A 1.3-mile-long pedestrian promenade in Queens is a lodestar for planners, a lifeline for many residents, and an albatross to others.

Beyond Diverse

A pedestrian plaza in Queens is widely celebrated for its worldliness. But beneath a colorful surface are more radical lessons in coexistence.


"Homes for the aged” have long negotiated between keeping elders safe and keeping them connected to their communities. As the COVID-19 pandemic threatens senior care facilities across the country, the story of one Manhattan nursing home holds lessons for balancing "home" and "institution" during times of duress, and far after the worst is over.

Coming Up

What does the future hold for New York's roofs? A scroll atop the city of 2040 posits every use under the sun.

People Movers

For a Level Field

For an equal shot at competitive sports in New York City public high schools, students and teachers fight to untangle the knot of race and space.