Feral Monument
Beloved for their innocence and feared as vectors of disease, pigeons are a divisive and constant presence in New York City. A monumental statue atop the High Line urges us to consider how our feral friends (or foes) are in fact just like us.
The Real Counterfeit
A 15-story stack of Louis Vuitton branded suitcases claiming to be scaffolding landed on Fifth Avenue in November. But reading the structure through the lens of the building code raises questions about our grasp on reality and the rule of law.
What Becomes a Legend Most?
A redeveloped Rockefeller Center draws tourists from around the globe as well as locals to a place that feels, surprisingly, authentically New York. How are its owners stewarding the storied complex into a second century?
On the City Stage
A modest, mid-block midtown building repurposed as a municipal arts center, City Center represented a monumental effort to support a program of arts for all. But how much can a building achieve?
Criticism as an Act of Love
Hyperlocal settings frame larger phenomena including stormwater management, the politics of place names, ersatz infrastructure, the tyranny of private property, and other signs of the never-ending change that characterizes the city.
Eyes on the Streets
A neighborhood advocate marshals data and organizes neighbors to make congested Midtown streets safe for pedestrians.
Entry Level
Theaters and concert halls are redesigning their interiors to entice new audiences and shore up revenue. Can performance spaces elevate everyday life, too?
Transit Oriented
New construction along elevated train lines brings an unprecedented degree of intimacy between private homes and workplaces and passengers in a 24-hour transit system.