Behind the Curtain

Massage parlor storefronts along New York City streets are an invitation to wellbeing . . . and suspicion. Red Canary Song reframes these spaces for intimate bodywork in terms of care, healing, and survival.

Make Yourself at Home

Three researchers explore how queer, Black, and undocumented communities subvert and transcend dominant norms and forms of housing in New York City.

Shelf Life

This Old House

New York City is responsible for the care of 23 centuries-old farmsteads and mansions. What do these historic properties owe present day New Yorkers?

Building Out of a Tight Spot

An architect faces New York City's housing crisis and climate crisis, one building at a time.

Queens Close Up

A half century of immigration has continuously layered new urban forms on an otherwise unremarkable landscape.

A Wall Made of Bricks

Geologic processes, local histories, and centuries of labor converge on a project suggesting new possibilities of reuse.

Entry Level

Theaters and concert halls are redesigning their interiors to entice new audiences and shore up revenue. Can performance spaces elevate everyday life, too?

Transit Oriented

New construction along elevated train lines brings an unprecedented degree of intimacy between private homes and workplaces and passengers in a 24-hour transit system.