Reclad and Rework: Updating Midtown's Office Towers
MdeAS Architects principal Dan Shannon walks through the market, regulatory, and cultural forces behind Midtown commercial redevelopment projects and their potential to transform aging assets into competitive buildings.
Landmark Limbo: Staten Island Edition
In the first segment of a five-borough series, Ben Pardee profiles three Staten Island properties awaiting resolution after years of limbo on whether or not they'd be designated New York City historic landmarks.
Aging Architecture: The Staten Island Farm Colony's Regeneration
Yael Friedman delves into the history of the City's former poor farm, plans underway to turn it into a luxury 55+ community, and the questions each raise for how best to adapt our existing models of housing to an increasingly aged population.
Ventilation Goes Vegetal: CASE's Plant-Based Air Filtration System
Jason Vollen walks us through the many processes and benefits — health, environmental, and economic — behind the installation of novel plant wall technology in the City's new Bronx-based Public Safety Answering Center.
All the Queens Houses
Architect Rafael Herrin-Ferri talks about his exhaustive photographic documentation of Queens' lively housing stock and identifies creative alterations that reconcile building forms to changing demands and desires.
Under-Development: Reclaiming 700 Miles of Public Space
There are hundreds of miles of space beneath the city’s elevated transportation infrastructure, much of it underutilized and uninviting. Here, a team of designers and planners discuss a two-year study investigating creative yet practical ways to enliven and expand access to these corridors of public space.
Room for All: Designing for Special Needs
Tamara Petrovic and Garner Oh discuss how their design of a series of interventions to address special mobility needs fosters independence and well-being for people of all abilities.