Connecting at the Counter
More than a convenience store, the humble bodega is a deeply networked site where neighborhood life intersects with larger scales of social, cultural and economic exchange — and a growing digital presence.
Building the People's Internet
Communities on the front lines of the climate crisis have seen the immediate benefits of locally-managed digital infrastructure. But beyond resilience, grassroots networks are a test case for a collectively-forged technological future.
Radio Past | Radio Future
Live and on-air: dispatches from a community net-worker.
Latchkey Living
An indicator species in vinyl and metal, the streetside lockbox signals the rise of a short-term city.
Tools of Collective Intelligence
As building technologies from doorbells to thermostats claim to become ever “smarter,” how do they mesh with the social life of shared spaces?
Where Code Meets Concrete
Introducing the series Digital Frictions. What happens when the “smart city” encounters other forms of urban intelligence?
Stalking the Smart City
An artist and an artificial intelligence, trained on the data of 1,000 anonymous New Yorkers, follow a path forged by no one in particular.
Where Corrections Meets Connections
People trying to stay connected to their loved ones in New York's jails and prisons must travel great distances and navigate intimidating rules and requirements.
Where School Meets Prison
As police personnel and machinery have settled into New York City schools, the line between school discipline and criminal punishment has become blurry.
Policing Is an Information Business
The NYPD vaunts crime mapping technologies from CompStat maps to a vast networked surveillance infrastructure. Who benefits?