Co-Op City
Rather than extractive economic development, the Bronx Cooperative Development Initiative cultivates a vision of home-grown wealth that stays in the borough.
For a Level Field
For an equal shot at competitive sports in New York City public high schools, students and teachers fight to untangle the knot of race and space.
The Private Lives of Public Schools
When it comes to building schools, a little-known entity with radical roots has had an outsize effect on the city’s skyline. How can the Educational Construction Fund adapt an experimental ethos to changing times?
Radicals and Real Estate
This is what democracy looks like: not only public squares, but office buildings. In the Lower East Side, the Peace Pentagon was the source point for four decades of resistance.
Seeding Stability
To secure New York City’s pipeline for local food, treat produce like tap water: Protect the source.
Building Consensus
Buildings are responsible for two thirds of greenhouse gas emissions in New York City. Can tenants, landlords, and environmentalists finally get together to make them more efficient?
Country of Tenants
Questions of ownership, affordability, and political representation converge in current struggles over rent regulation.
Do You Remember How It Was?
Residents recall a decade of upheaval in the East New York Oral History Project.
Our Fair City
50 years after the passage of a landmark law, how will New York City assess the fairness of its housing?
Reentry: Start Here
People returning to city life after time in prison will soon be able to find help at some branch libraries. How can designers help librarians create life-saving connections?