
Intersections: Behind Closed Doors

Lavender Lining

Rising rents mark the “straightening” of gayborhoods like Greenwich Village. What role does queer presence play in cycles of urban redevelopment and displacement?

Circulation Desk

Public Space Arms Race

Battles for inclusion and exclusion in the life of the city more often end in stand-offs than in skirmishes.

The Location of Justice: Streets

Stronger Together

Young residents of Brownsville, Brooklyn, look for safety amidst persistent poverty and crime, as well as community organizations determined to change the neighborhood's narrative.

Intersections: Behind Closed Doors

Noncompliant Bodies, Accommodating Space

The architects behind “Stalled!” see gender as one of many variables and identities to consider in designing inclusive environments.

The Location of Justice: Structures

Retrofit for Fairness

The city oversees an experiment: Can new signage and instructions improve experiences in New York’s busiest criminal courthouse?

Housing Brass Tacks

Housing Court

A housing court case can make the difference between safe at home and out on the street. Jenny Laurie of Housing Court Answers explains how it works and what throws the scales of housing justice out of balance.

Intersections: Surfacing

Constellating Queer Spaces

How can the ephemeral and mutable geographies of queer urban life be mapped and preserved?

The Location of Justice: Structures

A Jail to End All Jails

Mayor de Blasio promises to close the Rikers Island jail complex in ten years. But what comes next? A look at the island’s history reveals clues — and cautions.

The Location of Justice: Introduction

Introduction: The Location of Justice

Examining New York's overlooked infrastructures of crime and punishment.

What Do You Avoid? Where Do You Belong?

Theater-makers, natives, and newcomers draw mental maps of how they navigate comfort and discomfort in a rapidly changing city.