Economic Development

Field Trip: Welling Court Mural Project

On every wall are blasts of color reaching one, two or even three stories above the curb.

Urban Industry Redefined: The Brooklyn Navy Yard

Caitlin Blanchfield looks at how a historic shipbuilding facility is fostering a new culture of industry in New York, one informed by a sophisticated understanding of local dynamics, regional economics, and global challenges.

Why is the Broadway Triangle Still Empty?

Meg Kelly explores the controversy behind the stalled redevelopment of the Broadway Triangle, raising questions about the political geography of housing and ethnic integration in a North Brooklyn border zone.

Making Buildings Work: The Greenpoint Manufacturing and Design Center

The CEO of the city’s first non-profit industrial developer discusses how his organization creates space for a new generation of urban manufacturing in New York City.

Recap | Building Blocks: Knowledge and Innovative Cities

What makes a city innovative? And in what ways does innovation need the city (or not)?

Questioning the Car: A Walk with Mark Gorton

Transportation and livable streets advocate Mark Gorton explains why the car is a flawed technology for cities and shares his vision for a mostly auto-free New York.

Growth by Design

David Giles discusses the findings and implications of a recently launched report on the economic impact and potential of the architecture and design sectors in New York City.

Rape New York by Jana Leo

Jana Leo, the author of Rape New York, a candid account of sexual assault, discusses how the ordeal changed her perspective on property neglect, systemic gaps and neighborhood transition.

Naturally Occurring Cultural Districts

Naturally Occurring Cultural Districts

Tamara Greenfield and Caron Atlas share thoughts on how understanding NOCDs can help inform a more holistic approach to cultural policy.

Manufacturing a Real Economy

Nicole Salazar talks to Adam Friedman, former executive director of NYIRN, about the importance of the manufacturing industry in New York.