
The Green Shift

Two High School Activists

With school buildings ill-equipped to face the climate crisis, students advocate for retrofits and greener, healthier buildings.

The Green Shift

Building Solidarity

Workers across the building trades talk about what it takes to construct a just transition to a sustainable economy.

Charge It, Please!

Where demand is high and private infrastructure is scarce, the city seeks to squeeze in streetside charging for electric cars.

Building Out of a Tight Spot

An architect faces New York City's housing crisis and climate crisis, one building at a time.

The Green Shift

A Union President

Organized labor navigates a changing climate as power plants transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

The Green Shift

An Electrician

There is no shortage of work for a member of IBEW Local 3: shoring up building systems to withstand flooding and preparing for an electrification boom.

Four and a Half Gasoline Stations

As redevelopment and electrification push them into the realm of history, unexpected social patterns still reveal themselves at the pumps.

Cleaning Up?

Remediation as Industrial Succession: Powerhouse Arts

Across Currents

With a mandate to decarbonize the city’s building stock, how can New Yorkers reconcile a transition to so-called clean energy with the environmental and cultural impacts of extraction beyond the city’s borders?

Cleaning Up?

Seed Money

After a historic oil spill and an unprecedented financial settlement, a Brooklyn community oversees its ecological repair.