
The Green Shift

Two High School Activists

With school buildings ill-equipped to face the climate crisis, students advocate for retrofits and greener, healthier buildings.

The Green Shift

A Building Superintendent

At a West Village Co-Op, the resident manager gets the building — and its residents — ready for rising waters and new climate mandates.

The Green Shift

An Electrician

There is no shortage of work for a member of IBEW Local 3: shoring up building systems to withstand flooding and preparing for an electrification boom.

Rockaway, Revisited

New projects are bringing more people and attention to the Rockaway Peninsula, but ten years after Hurricane Sandy, the work of building resilient infrastructure remains woefully incomplete.

Cleaning Up?

A Resilience Workshop

A long-term, community-based project brings critical knowledge about risks of contamination and engages local industries as partners in preparedness in the wake of Sandy. But extreme weather is not the only threat to vulnerable businesses.

The Civic Canopy

New York City's street trees help cool pavement, filter air, buffer against storms, and improve moods. The arborists of NYC Parks are working to distribute those benefits as widely as possible.

Flows of Mutual Obligation

Through a new, interactive podcast, an artist surfaces the intimate stories and complex connections that bind New York City residents to the land and people who provide their water.

Cleaning Up?

Remediation as Redistribution: Hudson River Superfund Site

Public Risks on Private Shores

Along New York City’s waterfront, development has spurred the creation of new public spaces regulated down to the level of tree plantings and bicycle parking. Why aren’t resilience measures mandated in a similar way?

Organic Machines

Thousands of new rain gardens are soaking up stormwater across the city. As green infrastructure settles into the sidewalk, can we learn to love a sewer?