
Home Valuation

New stories from Mitchell-Lama co-ops and the LA Tenants Union narrate the housing crisis as a struggle for control, and over the true meaning of a home.

Bus Time

Slow moving and overstuffed, the public bus is also a space of communion, curiosity, and solidarity for residents on the city's margins.

Mobilizing Support

A harm reduction collective works to meet people who use drugs "where they're at," not just metaphorically, but geographically.

Care, Where?

Public space may be essential to urban life, but its benefits are far from universally enjoyed. Could a municipal Department of Care bring context-sensitive design and services to every corner of the city?

Where Are the Public Bathrooms in New York City?

With too few facilities, and many in urgent need of repair or renovation, New York has a big public bathroom problem. But the city's parks, plazas, POPS, and more hold clues to overhauling its network of relief.

Radicals and Real Estate

This is what democracy looks like: not only public squares, but office buildings. In the Lower East Side, the Peace Pentagon was the source point for four decades of resistance.

Country of Tenants

Questions of ownership, affordability, and political representation converge in current struggles over rent regulation.

The Location of Justice: Futures

Reentry: Start Here

People returning to city life after time in prison will soon be able to find help at some branch libraries. How can designers help librarians create life-saving connections?

The Location of Justice: Futures

Coming Home

Formerly incarcerated people reassemble their lives at the Castle, a singular housing facility and a supportive home base created by The Fortune Society.

Housing Brass Tacks

Housing Court

A housing court case can make the difference between safe at home and out on the street. Jenny Laurie of Housing Court Answers explains how it works and what throws the scales of housing justice out of balance.