More Than Skin Deep
Renovated facades provide a window into existential questions for the future of New York City’s public housing.
News from Home
Reported from the imaginations of those on the front lines of New York City's housing struggles, a newspaper from the future brings tidings of homes for all.
This Old House
New York City is responsible for the care of 23 centuries-old farmsteads and mansions. What do these historic properties owe present day New Yorkers?
A Union President
Organized labor navigates a changing climate as power plants transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.
A Building Superintendent
At a West Village Co-Op, the resident manager gets the building — and its residents — ready for rising waters and new climate mandates.
An Electrician
There is no shortage of work for a member of IBEW Local 3: shoring up building systems to withstand flooding and preparing for an electrification boom.
Holding On to the Halo Effect
As faith-based institutions struggle with a litany of real estate woes, the non-profit Bricks and Mortals is here to help find theologically-sound solutions.
21st Century Monument
Where a controversial sculpture stood, a monument to Harriet Tubman offers a new narrative and new directions for creating sites of collective memory.