
People Movers

For a Level Field

For an equal shot at competitive sports in New York City public high schools, students and teachers fight to untangle the knot of race and space.

Shelf Life

We The News

As local newspapers dwindle, an artist revives New York’s classic newsstand to collect and circulate more diverse stories about immigration.

Shelf Life

Do You Remember How It Was?

Residents recall a decade of upheaval in the East New York Oral History Project.

Our Fair City

50 years after the passage of a landmark law, how will New York City assess the fairness of its housing?

People Movers

Haul Together

With New York City on the verge of reorganizing the private sanitation industry, union organizer Allan Henry connects the dots between street safety, worker rights, and environmental impacts.

The Location of Justice: Systems

Where School Meets Prison

As police personnel and machinery have settled into New York City schools, the line between school discipline and criminal punishment has become blurry.

Intersections: Going Out

See and Be Seen

When safe space is hard to find, art and events collective Papi Juice gives queer and trans people of color a home — and a soundtrack — for the night.

The Location of Justice: Streets

Walk the Walk

For decades, city governments have pledged to clear neighborhood streets of crime and police abuse in the same stroke. But can community policing deliver on its promises?

The Location of Justice: Introduction

Introduction: The Location of Justice

Examining New York's overlooked infrastructures of crime and punishment.

Lessons from Rockaway: What to Save from the Flood

In a personal reflection on growing up in middle-class Rockaway, Yael Friedman calls for more nuanced understanding of how planning for a more resilient city can — and must — incorporate more than environmental concerns alone.