
New City Critics

Long Island is Bugging Me

A disquisition into the urban/suburban and human/insect divides, and how people might come together when their surroundings are planned to keep them apart.

Everybody Should Be Honored

A rare combination of collective art project, community celebration, and environmental protest, the Hunts Point Fish Parade honors residents of the Bronx neighborhood and mobilizes them in the fight for its future.

On Island Time

As tides and storms bring big changes to the cityscape, what landmass is most likely to become New York's next island?

Where Can the Public Bathrooms Go in New York City?

Creating 3,000 more places to go can be transformative for people's dignity and the quality of the public realm. But actually implementing a citywide restroom network requires solutions that address each neighborhood's specific needs.

A New Harvest

Herbs and berries are free for the picking along the Bronx River Foodway. But the public place for foraging is also a pathway to stronger connections with local ecologies and community self-determination.

The Green Shift

A Fishmonger

A seafood purveyor builds a sustainable business amidst rising and heating oceans and insatiable demand.

Landscape Orientation

An artist makes her books by walking. Their pages unfold in ways as unusual and idiosyncratic as the city itself.

New City Critics

Utopia is a Vacant Lot in Rockaway

On the voids storms and plans leave behind, and what we do with them.

Rockaway, Revisited

New projects are bringing more people and attention to the Rockaway Peninsula, but ten years after Hurricane Sandy, the work of building resilient infrastructure remains woefully incomplete.

Cleaning Up?

A Resilience Workshop

A long-term, community-based project brings critical knowledge about risks of contamination and engages local industries as partners in preparedness in the wake of Sandy. But extreme weather is not the only threat to vulnerable businesses.