
Schoolhouse Shuffle

In co-located schools, sharing isn't just a lesson for the students. How do educators balance their institution’s needs with those of their neighbors?

Schools Apart, Together

When vastly different institutions are located in the same building, do students learn how to share, or how the city is profoundly unfair?

East Harlem Gets Ready

For high school students in the Climate Resilience Leadership Lab, emergency preparedness means mobilizing the neighborhood.

People Movers

For a Level Field

For an equal shot at competitive sports in New York City public high schools, students and teachers fight to untangle the knot of race and space.

The Private Lives of Public Schools

When it comes to building schools, a little-known entity with radical roots has had an outsize effect on the city’s skyline. How can the Educational Construction Fund adapt an experimental ethos to changing times?

The Location of Justice: Systems

Where Corrections Meets Connections

People trying to stay connected to their loved ones in New York's jails and prisons must travel great distances and navigate intimidating rules and requirements.

The Location of Justice: Systems

Where School Meets Prison

As police personnel and machinery have settled into New York City schools, the line between school discipline and criminal punishment has become blurry.

Intersections: Going Out

See and Be Seen

When safe space is hard to find, art and events collective Papi Juice gives queer and trans people of color a home — and a soundtrack — for the night.

Intersections: Behind Closed Doors

House Proud

As a generation of queer pioneers reaches old age, new models of housing and community space leverage design to meet their needs.

The Location of Justice: Streets

Stronger Together

Young residents of Brownsville, Brooklyn, look for safety amidst persistent poverty and crime, as well as community organizations determined to change the neighborhood's narrative.