
The Green Shift

An Electrician

There is no shortage of work for a member of IBEW Local 3: shoring up building systems to withstand flooding and preparing for an electrification boom.

The Green Shift

A Fishmonger

A seafood purveyor builds a sustainable business amidst rising and heating oceans and insatiable demand.

New City Critics

Utopia is a Vacant Lot in Rockaway

On the voids storms and plans leave behind, and what we do with them.

Rockaway, Revisited

New projects are bringing more people and attention to the Rockaway Peninsula, but ten years after Hurricane Sandy, the work of building resilient infrastructure remains woefully incomplete.

Cleaning Up?

A Resilience Workshop

A long-term, community-based project brings critical knowledge about risks of contamination and engages local industries as partners in preparedness in the wake of Sandy. But extreme weather is not the only threat to vulnerable businesses.

Across Currents

With a mandate to decarbonize the city’s building stock, how can New Yorkers reconcile a transition to so-called clean energy with the environmental and cultural impacts of extraction beyond the city’s borders?

Peak Problems

New York City’s peaker plants are conspicuous emblems of a carbon-intensive energy economy — and its disastrous consequences.

Studio Reports

Green and New

In the service of one of the most ambitious policy frameworks in living memory, design students conjure future visions of environmental recovery where social justice comes first.

Follow the Frontline

Communities of color have long been the vanguard of New York City's environmental justice movement. How can designers support and learn from their efforts to mitigate a climate crisis that is up close and personal?

Before the Surge

As larger projects are debated and delayed, an array of sandbags, earthworks, and other humble infrastructures of defense are emerging across New York City to provide buffers against the sea.