Community Engagement

More Than Skin Deep

Renovated facades provide a window into existential questions for the future of New York City’s public housing.

Who Plans?

Over more than two decades, Hester Street expanded means and methods by which New Yorkers might shape their city. What does the nonprofit's demise mean for the practices of community planning and engagement in the future?

《地方創生與維護- 華埠的人、地方和文化表徵》


《地方创生与维护- 华埠的人、地方和文化表征》


What's in a Gateway?

Plans for Chinatown placemaking have long called for a sculptural archway. Can this invented tradition reflect the diversity of social and cultural life in Chinatown today?

New City Critics

Building Worlds In-Between

Navigating multiple identities, homes, and professional cultures, where can Black urbanists locate an authentic, creative practice?

21st Century Monument

Where a controversial sculpture stood, a monument to Harriet Tubman offers a new narrative and new directions for creating sites of collective memory.

Home Schooling

For fifteen years and counting at a free people's urbanism school in Orange, New Jersey, the city itself is a university, and a university is an advocate for community repair.

Getting to Yes

Facing both urgent land use challenges and growing skepticism of public processes, a new unit for community planning is finding creative ways to engage people in shaping their neighborhoods and the city as a whole.

Something Better Than Nothing

A half-century of experiments in private sector solutions to urban problems has brought mixed results and exacerbated inequality. How did we get here?