
Housing Brass Tacks

What Can Architects Do?

In the thorny thicket of housing problems, from cost to supply to quality, what roles can architects play? Architects Susanne Schindler, Jared Della Valle, and Deborah Gans offer possibilities.

The Location of Justice: Structures

What Jail Can't Do

Frank Greene and Kenneth Ricci discuss the changing paradigms of half a century of justice architecture and what we should ask — and expect — from courts and jails.

City as Playground

Artist Julia Jacquette and writer James Trainor discuss Jacquette's graphic memoir, Playground of My Mind, digging into the sandbox of their memories and a critical chapter in the history of New York City's public spaces.

Typecast: Row House

How Many Row Houses Are There in New York City?

In the latest installment of our Typecast series, Neil Freeman counts and maps New York's row houses — all 217,000 of them.

The Rise and Fall of Manhattan's Density

The Five Thousand Pound Life

The Architectural League announces an ambitious initiative to raise our collective discussion of living sustainably to a higher register, imagining the systemic change needed to live well, and to live well within the carrying capacity of the planet.

A Country of Cities

Video: A Country of Cities

From 2009-2011, Vishaan Chakrabarti wrote a series of opinion pieces here on Urban Omnibus arguing that urban density can be the answer to many of the nation's most pressing contemporary issues. He has since expanded...

The Big Squeeze: Illustrating Micro-Unit Housing

Center for Urban Pedagogy teaching artist Chat Travieso works with high school students in Bushwick to simplify and illustrate the complexities of micro-unit housing.

Studio Reports

Future Bronx(es)

In the latest installment of their Crisis Fronts degree project, Michael Chen and Jason Lee ask students to use the specific urban challenges of the Bronx to investigate the intersection between public policy and speculative design.

Typecast: Towers in the Park


Typecast is a long-term Architectural League study into architectural typologies that begins with a closer look at five "towers-in-the-park," one in each borough of New York City.