
El Barrio's Haunted Houses

Urban Omnibus Writing Competition: Fuzzy Math

The Ricotta Index

Deborah Helaine Morris, one of two runners-up of the Fuzzy Math writing competition, charts the shifting demographics of one pocket of Brooklyn through the dairy aisle of her local supermarkets, delis, and specialty food stores.

Naturally Occurring Cultural Districts

Fort Greene, Brooklyn

In the second in a series of profiles of Naturally Occurring Cultural Districts, Mercedes Kraus looks at how a cultural community has flourished by leveraging its legacy of artistic production in the face of intensifying real estate pressure and outside influence and interest.

The Ins and the Outs: The Gentrification of Franklin Avenue

An in-depth look at a fast-changing Brooklyn neighborhood and the actors and strategies behind its transformation.

Brooklyn Gentrification on Screen

Two new films each offer a look at a decade of change in Brooklyn.


Open City: Blogging Urban Change Sahar Muradi

Open City: Blogging Urban Change Peggy Lee


Open City: Blogging Urban Change Christiana Baik


Open City: Blogging Urban Change Jerome Chou

Open City: Blogging Urban Change Deanna Fei