Public Space
Stalking the Smart City
An artist and an artificial intelligence, trained on the data of 1,000 anonymous New Yorkers, follow a path forged by no one in particular.
Signs of the Times
From small and ubiquitous markers to massive bespoke steel numerals, this longstanding Greenpoint signage company helps New Yorkers navigate the city.
For a Level Field
For an equal shot at competitive sports in New York City public high schools, students and teachers fight to untangle the knot of race and space.
We The News
As local newspapers dwindle, an artist revives New York’s classic newsstand to collect and circulate more diverse stories about immigration.
The Truth About Trees
An artist and a historian talk trees: What they mean, and what it takes to get city-dwellers to see them clearly.
Offsetted: After Green Infrastructure
What’s lost when the value of city trees is reduced to the “environmental services” they provide?
Radicals and Real Estate
This is what democracy looks like: not only public squares, but office buildings. In the Lower East Side, the Peace Pentagon was the source point for four decades of resistance.
Lavender Lane
Getting to the bottom of a mysterious streak of purple cropping up along Manhattan’s eastern edge.
The New Public Water
Drinking water is all around us, but just out of reach. Can simple tweaks to the city’s emergency infrastructure radically expand access to this precious resource?