The Robin Hood Library at Bronx P.S. 69
Following last week’s panel discussion on the Robin Hood Library Initiative, we take an in-depth look at the library of P.S. 69 in the Bronx.
Efficiency and Effectiveness: Inside the Regional Assembly
Samir Shah recaps “Innovation and the American Metropolis” and calls for a broad and values-based vision to guide design and planning's use of technology.
A Walk Up Avenue D
Sociologist Dalton Conley takes us on a walk through the public housing complexes where he grew up, reflecting on the economics of housing policy and the limits of design.
The East Harlem School at Exodus House
Architect Peter Gluck and EHS co-founder Ivan Hageman introduce us to a distinctive independent middle school and discuss why the design of learning environments matters.
Mapping Main Street: Flushing, Queens
Mapping Main Street heads to Flushing for audio-video explorations of Main St. produced by neighborhood students, providing a local snapshot of the nation-wide project.
The Immigrants & Parks Collaborative
For five years this collaborative has worked to address the challenge of increasing immigrant involvement in city parks. Check out their work and hear from two participants.
Toward the Sentient City: Interviews
Designers reflect on how their work explores implications of ubiquitous computing for architecture and urban space.
Imagining Recovery
Architecture students Wayne Congar and Troy Therrien share the back story of the design competition they organized to invite new visions of post-financial crisis America.
Make a Difference in Two Days
Bryan Bell, founder of Design Corps, invites young designers to design and build a project in the public interest, from found materials, in two days.
Brooklyn at Eye Level
The theater company The Civilians has investigated all viewpoints on the Atlantic Yards development proposal as an inroad to broader urban issues of home and neighborhood change.