Gimme Shelter

Photographs of Prospect Park’s unsanctioned constructions simultaneously suggest traces of past settlement and the start of a new civilization. Behind the scenes is a struggle for ecological succession among salamanders, kindergartners, and park management.

Posts from the Edge

Unfolding alongside New York's latest waterfront planning process, a participatory art project considers what happens when we reorient our attention, and our bodies, toward the city's 520 miles of coastline.

Before the Surge

As larger projects are debated and delayed, an array of sandbags, earthworks, and other humble infrastructures of defense are emerging across New York City to provide buffers against the sea.


Making Science Actionable

The Urban Systems Lab talks about overlapping social vulnerabilities to climate change and COVID-19, and their efforts to gather and share the data that matters most in a complex and ever-shifting situation.

Seeing Double

The material flows that feed Manhattan's iconic public spaces reveal "reciprocal landscapes" whose fates are tied together by fertilizer, pavers, and planks.

Saving Water

Along the Brooklyn-Queens border, 50 acres of abandoned water infrastructure have gradually transformed into a unique wetland ecosystem. What's in store for the Ridgewood Reservoir?

Up on the Roof

New York City has passed sweeping new laws to green the city’s roofs. What do they mean for residents, building owners, and birds?

Home in Lenapehoking

For the Lenape Center, reversing the erasure of New York's indigenous past is about making space for future generations. How can the city welcome back its original peoples and their living culture?


Following the trail of New York City’s municipal solid waste from curbside pickup to sites far beyond its borders, two artists document a system that benefits from low visibility as it dramatically extends the city’s footprint.

Castaways of Jamaica Bay

By way of natural disaster and human folly, a staggering amount of marine debris litters the waters and shores of an important estuary habitat. Meet the volunteers trying to salvage the situation.