Queens Close Up
A half century of immigration has continuously layered new urban forms on an otherwise unremarkable landscape.
Transit Oriented
New construction along elevated train lines brings an unprecedented degree of intimacy between private homes and workplaces and passengers in a 24-hour transit system.
A Building Superintendent
At a West Village Co-Op, the resident manager gets the building — and its residents — ready for rising waters and new climate mandates.
An Electrician
There is no shortage of work for a member of IBEW Local 3: shoring up building systems to withstand flooding and preparing for an electrification boom.
Accounting for Community
What kind of bank can help secure New York neighborhoods' future? The same small banks that have been doing it all along.
Something Better Than Nothing
A half-century of experiments in private sector solutions to urban problems has brought mixed results and exacerbated inequality. How did we get here?
Getting to Zero
Banned from residences for more than half a century, lead paint still poisons thousands of children a year in New York City. Who is responsible for ensuring healthy homes for all?
Introducing the Inaugural Cohort of New City Critics
Meet the 2022 fellows in a program to empower new and diverse voices to challenge the ways we understand, design, and develop our cities.
The Paradox at the Heart of the Fires
When it comes to providing safe and affordable housing, why does the public sector receive so little funding and so much scrutiny, while the private sector gets ample incentives with minimal accountability?
Call for Applications: New City Critics
A fellowship program to empower new, fearless, and diverse voices to challenge the ways we understand, design, and develop our cities.